Saturday, April 28, 2007

Looks like Saturday is here and the new LOST Unlocked isn't up yet... I guess that leaves me with a little explaining to do.
This past week Chris has been 700 miles away on a work-related trip. Wednesday night after LOST had aired we still managed to record our podcast using the magic of the Internet. Unfortunately, during post-production our main computer died and that is why we haven't been able to upload the show. But fear not, Chris is arriving home later today and he just happens to have computer repair skills that rival Sayid's.
So, without making any promises and crossing my fingers, I feel comfortable saying the show will be up sometime Sunday. Thank you for your patience!
With apologies,


At 4/29/2007 1:09 PM, Blogger Sam McPherson said...

Business trip? That's what they WANT you to think.

At 4/29/2007 7:04 PM, Blogger UnfrozenCavemanLawyer said...

Leprechaun Sam is right! Chris and Brian are working for DHARMA!!! Chris was off fixing Benjamin Linus' blown up communication hatch.


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