Sunday, March 07, 2010

In this edition, Chris & Brian cover the Sayid-centric epidsode,'Sundown'
and talk about the power of the ash, cartoon artists, the end of mirroring Season 1,
lots of mind-numbing feedback and so much more - don't pass this by!


At 3/10/2010 4:30 PM, Blogger Patti B. said...

I want a creepy version of Catch A Falling Star to play for my kids as they go to sleep. It would be fun to hear them say "Mommy, stop, it's scary!" I guess part of the creepy factor is the sight of lots of dead bodies (or b-o-d-y-s, as Hurley spelled it!) on the screen as the song plays in the background.

At 3/14/2010 2:58 PM, Blogger mr badd said...

HELP! I can not get "Catch a Falling Star" out of my noggin. ach!
And it's the creepy Claire version and not the velvety tones of Perry Cumo.

Does anyone have any spoiler-free home remedies that won't leave barking dogs singing christmas carols rolling through my psyche?


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