Lost Unlocked
Hello, welcome to the Lost Unlocked podcast homepage. We are two normal guys who happen to be fans of ABC's hit series Lost. In the middle of the week when you don't think you can make it until the next new episode, stop by for a quick Lost fix.
Guys how could you miss that the woman Charlie saved in Greatest Hit #3 was Nadia?!
I just started a new job (in Portland) where all the Lost fans are waiting for Season 3 on DVD to watch what unfolds. They are hardcore spoiler free.
hey guys wootinater,
what was the q of the w? i can't listen right now. also chris, where was the brian is right theme song when he guessed the title? i would have played it for at least 10 min. just kidding.
wootinater again,
summer suggestion:do some older episodes that you really like and havent done already. Like your greatest hits one a month.
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