Friday, January 23, 2009

This week on LOST Unlocked, Chris and Brian dissect the first episode of LOST's fifth season. Along the way they play "LOST in 15" and "Guess the Title"... oh yeah, and there might be some talk about time travel.


At 1/24/2009 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! I really wish you guys would step it up and release your podcast seconds after the show airs on ABC!!

At 1/24/2009 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that you posted the episode at 8:14, you couldn't wait one minute to post it and go for 8:15 come on guys.

At 1/24/2009 10:22 AM, Blogger Lost Unlocked said...

I guess we could have posted the show at 8:15... but 8:14 is almost as good, right? That is the first thing we see in Season 5.

At 1/25/2009 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lost unlocked theme:

Bump bump bump bump bump badada dunna dada

Bump bump bump bump bump badada dunna dada

Bump bump bump bump bump badududududud daaaa.....Guys where are we.

Hope I didn't infringe on your copyrights.

At 1/26/2009 3:59 PM, Blogger Easley said...

Awwwww Hurley, that's an unfortunately large ketchup stain on your shirt...

You guys made my day with your review of the Jin and Sunkist. Thanks!


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