Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's here! The Penultimate podcast where Chris & Brian discuss Episodes 15 & 16. They do Lost in 15, discuss title guesses and hit the high points of both episodes - don't worry, scene by scene podcasts will come - just listen why we hold off and get ready for the ultimate finale!!!


At 5/28/2010 5:19 PM, Blogger UnfrozenCavemanLawyer said...

What up with my Lost Unlocked show YO!?! I need my Chris&Brian fix hard! Anyway, thanks for the memories guys. It wouldn't have been such a ball without you.

At 6/06/2010 5:32 PM, Blogger Cec said...

Season 6 was not the same without Chris and Brian's commentary to help me through the week. Wish I knew who locked Lost Unlocked.

At 6/13/2010 12:42 PM, Blogger mr badd said...

Chris and Brian, your thoughts on the End of Lost are sorely missed. Hope you both are well and that you will soon post your thoughts on the season finale.

At 6/19/2010 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to move your RSS feed to iTunes since Odeo crapped out?

At 7/03/2010 9:52 AM, Blogger mr badd said...

Lost Unlocked: determined to keep us spoiler free, so much so that they won't talk to us about Lost!?!
Hope your show on the Finale gets posted soon. I just realized that you have taken a page from some master entertainers and are making us wait for it. Building the dramatic tension to a breaking point and of course also drawing attention as the last podcast to to a review of the finale. Your rating will go thru the roof! (or burst the pipes of the interwebs)
ps I also caught Brian's Happy Show. It was very amuzing. Have to go back to the cbox and get the link to finish listening to it. Perhaps you could post a link here?

At 7/12/2010 9:53 AM, Blogger JoshTheCoopman said...

so So SO mean not to record and/or post a finale podcast!!! Okay, you didn't like it--I didn't either, but let's talk about it. Miss you guys.

At 8/23/2010 4:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Bad enough to lose LOST without losing my favorite commentary on such. You've finished the PHD, now write the thesis! Seriously, miss you guys and hope you haven't "moved on" forever...


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