Thursday, November 01, 2007

This week on LOST UNLOCKED, it's all about you, the listeners... we go over some great listener submitted product reviews, feedback, and news. Oh yeah, Chris and Brian also briefly talk about the Rubik's cube and the Brady Bunch. Don't miss this one!


At 11/02/2007 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

QoftheW, I was suggesting listeners submit questions, you guys pick one and read it for the rest of us. Then you guys offer your answers, and we can respond with ours.

On filling up the zune... You need to go to and basically get everything Leo Laporte does,(except maybe FLOSS, very techy, unless you are a linux user). Ummm on the music I am a DJ, and there are tons of great bands out there.
If you ike aerosmith, you can't go wrong with some Tesla, Moley Crue, SIXX A.M. You need to listen to SEVENDUST, the are heavier, but man they rock. You may like Primus, or hate it(there will be no they are "OK". Get Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam, All Night Thing By Temple of the Dog, and River of Deciet by Mad Season, great driving songs.
If you like house/techno get the underground house music cast from itunes.

I hope the writers do not strike. Or resolve it, before it hurt my LOST experience. And it hit me Chris must be about my age if he remembers the drop of the Rubiks cube and the 88 writers strike.

At 11/02/2007 6:16 PM, Blogger MoltenPanther said...

I don't have much time to type, so I'll be short.

If you haven't heard of Flight of the Conchords, Youtube them. They're a music-comedy duo from New Zealand and a few of their songs are pretty funny. Or, to help you through the hiatus, I have the Lost soundtrack for season one and a collection of about 12-13 of the real songs they play on the show (which means I have Mama Cass's "Make Your Own Kind Of Music").

At 11/03/2007 1:21 AM, Blogger Ramanujam said...

bad news... leadership of the union announced that they will begin a strike of its 12,000 members on the next business day: Monday, November 5.

for more info, see lostpedia...

At 11/03/2007 1:56 AM, Blogger Lost Unlocked said...

There is no emoticon that could possibly describe the disappointment I feel...
Hopefully the strike won't last too long.

At 11/04/2007 12:09 AM, Blogger Goldie said...

Aerosmith totally rocks. Their live album "A Little South of Sanity" (1998) has a nice mix of old and new. I've seen them in concert 4 times including once in the front row.

We CAN write new episodes! Although I also would want them to be Locke centric. And Charlie would have to come back to life as well. The other remaining condition is Sawyer turns back into a bad-ass. He was oozing hotness, but now he's just whipped.

I also have a therory on and old Q of the W about how the ship ended up in the jungle. I saw a show on the discovery channel or something that talked about landslides causing giant sunamis. Waves were created large enough to put a boat about the trees. Waves greater than the empire state buiding. Instead of a landslide, it could have been caused by the rest of the four toed statue falling into the water. Just my $0.02

At 11/05/2007 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or the same said wwave could have been what knocked down the four toed statue.... I really like the tsunami theory, I will study it further.

At 11/05/2007 5:34 PM, Blogger Sam McPherson said...

How to fill up your Zune:

-Coheed and Cambria: Amazing band, great albums, great music. Three great songs by them are: "Welcome Home," "No World For Tomorrow," and "The End Complete."

-Jamiroquai: Wonderful. Epic.

-The Fall of Troy. I recommend the songs "Whacko Jacko Steals the Elephant Man's Bones," "Caught Up," and "F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X."

At 11/06/2007 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coheed & Cambria, I liked them better the first time when they were called RUSH. LOL, they are great, Welcome Home is awesome.

At 11/06/2007 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just noticed that your link to the SSPBD is to the old website. The new sspbd forum is at

Also, I have heard that the first mobisode is out now. Don't know it is available at yet. Also, I don't know if you consider them spoilers, I was almost tempted to read the transcript of it before watching and stopped myself because of your example of being spoiler free! Thanks a lot guys!

At 11/06/2007 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the mobisode announcement on Lostpedia. Not sure how spoiler-free it is - must research.

Silvey - Love the Tsunami theory! Pssstt.. We need something from you! whisper-whisper...

At 11/07/2007 3:41 AM, Blogger Ramanujam said...

i've just heard, lost may lose 8 eight episodes if strike is prolonged, for more info see;img;0&om_act=convert&om_clk=gumballs

At 11/07/2007 7:23 AM, Blogger Goldie said...

i just tried emailing the gmail account again. i assume this is what you needed...

At 11/11/2007 2:15 PM, Blogger Lostie108 said...

Oh man, I am soooo behind!!! Ah, I have officially lost the title of "contributor"...seeing as it took me two weeks to leave a simple comment on the show, nonetheless to email the gmail account about the list. Anyways, alls well now that I've gotten on the website, and I look forward to the cast coming back in december.

oh yeah, and as far as music goes, well you can't go wrong with Aerosmith. Absolutely one of the best bands of all time. Promise to get some good recomendations in soon!

At 11/15/2007 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two zune picks for you:

Beatles "The White Album".
Eclectic English Rock.
I love this as traveling music!

Cafe Tacuba "Re".
Eclectic Spanish Rock.
These guys reinvent themselves with every album. I love this one.

Both Tour De Forces of music genres

At 11/15/2007 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who know where i can dl free aerosmith songs?

At 12/05/2007 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey brain, hey Chris,
Just checked out your podcast. (The Halloween one.) Pretty cool! My first podcast I have listened from the 2 of you... but anyways WOW yall guys are getting really good with your podcast and video's... Next thing you need is a car sticker or bumper for lost unlocked! LOL.
I tried to find yall on zune but, the podcast are
Unavailable, so... do you have a podcast on zune? Well anyways I loved the podcast. I’ll have to show my dad the one to...
c ya,
Mitchell S. (MitchMan)

At 12/05/2007 9:29 PM, Blogger MitchMan said...

Hey brain, hey Chris,
Just checked out your podcast. (The Halloween one.) Pretty cool! My first podcast I have listened from the 2 of you... but anyways WOW yall guys are getting really good with your podcast and video's... Next thing you need is a car sticker or bumper for lost unlocked! LOL.
I tried to find yall on zune but, the podcast are
Unavailable, so... do you have a podcast on zune? Well anyways I loved the podcast. I’ll have to show my dad the one to...
c ya,
Mitchell S. (MitchMan)

At 12/05/2007 9:34 PM, Blogger MitchMan said...

hey chris and brain.
me again.. well i think you need a guest on the show... dont have a guest on the very time but 1\3 or 1\4 or 1\5 times.. you should mabye MABYE have one.. then get a song like "sweet child O' mine" (- "guns N' roses"). or "realient K"- the first part of "who i am hates who i've been"


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