Friday, January 18, 2008

On this week's edition of LOST Unlocked, Chris and Brian discuss the Find 815 A.R.G., watching LOST in HD and cover some incredible listener feedback... All while remaining 100% spoiler-free.


At 1/18/2008 9:04 AM, Blogger Ramanujam said...

nice, it sure aint easy being spoiler-free!

going to download podcast now. . .=D

At 1/18/2008 4:50 PM, Blogger Sam McPherson said...


Yet another podcast has aired, and there is still no LS Lost Moment.

I'm getting one for the premiere, at least.

At 1/18/2008 6:57 PM, Blogger Lost Unlocked said...

I just got back from the theatre

Star Trek teaser trailer before Cloverfield: Confirmed


At 1/19/2008 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys Woot here
I just got back from Cloverfield as well. I'm happy to say no LOST promos. As for the movie...what? go see it and you'll find out.

At 1/20/2008 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cloverfield was a terrible waste of my time. Utter dissapointment, wanted omney back. That bad.

At 1/20/2008 8:14 PM, Blogger Goldie said...

I heard that Cloverfield will only entertain you if you are under 30. Since I am on the other side of it, I'm assuming it would be a waste of time for me too :( Too bad since I have been looking forward to it since the Transformers preview.

At 1/20/2008 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats not necessarily true silvey. It just depends on how you view things. If you've got an open mind, which I assume you do because you watch Lost :), you'll love this for it's artistic value. If you're just going to see a shock and awe film, but hope to have it wrapped up, you'll only be half satisfied. I personally loved it, but thought it could have been a little bit longer to explain some things. Definately see this in theatres though.

At 1/20/2008 11:13 PM, Blogger Lost Unlocked said...

*Raises Hand*
Under 30... Absolutely loved it.
But I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea.

At 1/21/2008 1:59 AM, Blogger MoltenPanther said...

Cloverfield was made like the Japanese make movies/games, etc. They have some really cool concept, but never explain it, and that works great there, but Americans always want reasons. I personally didn't mind knowing things, because this was basically like if Godzilla were filmed from the point of view of a Japanese man.
To conclude: It freakin' rocked.

P.S.: I also have a BlackSmokeMonster theory, but I couldn't make it flow with the mega-theory, so I didn't add it in.

At 1/21/2008 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't like Blair Witch, I am over 30, and just didn't like Cloverfield. I really shouldn't use this blog to post my opnion, so ignore it. I am nobody to decide a good movie from a bad one, I just did not like this one. I did enjoy the marketing genuis of the project though. Made me go watch it. So in those terms it was very successful. I apologize for bringing negativity to such a great positive community. Brian, feel free to remove my post.

At 1/21/2008 5:06 AM, Blogger MoltenPanther said...

JustJimmy, you're allowed to not-like the movie! I saw BW more as a "witch-umentary" and Cloverfield as "Video Diary of Scary Monster". :-)

At 1/21/2008 5:40 AM, Blogger Ramanujam said...

wa! im pretty far behind, everybody has watched CLoverfield before me. haha, anyways i just watched it and must say, it was great!=D
Chris and Brian, a must have: CloverfieldUnlocked podcast. haha.

At 1/21/2008 12:26 PM, Blogger Lostie108 said...


So, Im not going to lie, after seven months of intense Cloverfield dedication, I finally had the oppurtunity to see the movie.(going for my third time today). There is so much to discuss and analyze, especially that mysterious whisper at the end..."Its Still Alive"! Also, I still missed the flying "alien pod" (though I doubt that is what it was) in the Coney Island scene at the very end, but thats cool, Im going to see the movie till I do.

Oh yeah, scored my official cloverfield poster. our projectionist patrick is also giving me a "Cloverfield Press Release Pack" with an official script, a bunch of promotional items, a slusho! hat, and a bunch of other rockin awesome things! I'll post pictures when I get it on Tuesday...

Overall, the movie was amazing, and I for one think that ANYONE could appreciate the movie, especially those over the age of 30...but thats coming from a JJ ABRAMS Obsessed 17 year take it or leave it.ANd a CLOVERFIELD podcast would be too cool, and seeing as I am the self proclaimed resident "Cloverfield Obsessee" (and Scholar, lol) I think I should get a

Ok, ending the longest, most rambly comment ever!


At 1/22/2008 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's cool justjimmy. Everyone has their own opinions. But if you don't like Star Wars...

At 1/22/2008 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1/22/2008 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Star Wars are my favorite films of all time, the original 3 that is. Indiana Jones, and Beverly Hills cop round out my top 5. I hope when LOST is over we get a prequel movie, in the gist of TWIN PEAKS.

At 1/22/2008 2:12 PM, Blogger MoltenPanther said...

Speaking of Twin Peaks, over the break, I rented the second season... It was not smart to not watch season one idea what was going on...but it sucked me in nevertheless. I would recommend it, especially if you like Lost.

At 1/22/2008 6:30 PM, Blogger Lost Unlocked said...

Well, at least everyone can agree that Star Wars rocks...

At 1/22/2008 11:10 PM, Blogger Ramanujam said...

OMG, star wars owns!! im like a star wars collector, haha. i bacically collect every single star wars thing!! haha. W00T! for star wars!!

At 1/23/2008 8:15 PM, Blogger Lostie108 said...

Star Trek Viral Campaign begun. More info on my blogspot post!


At 1/24/2008 6:12 PM, Blogger Goldie said...

I am still in love with Han Solo....

At 1/24/2008 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't remember if you included this in your awesome theory, but have you looked into tectonic plates? I believe the Sundra Trench lies right on one, and we know there is a volcano on the island. Maybe all those other points do too? I can't remember them all. Just an idea.


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