Saturday, March 21, 2009

This week on LOST Unlocked, Chris and Brian discuss the fifth season episode "Namaste". They also chat about whether or not one can change the future, Dharma's Next Top Chef, and Jack's dislike of books.


At 3/22/2009 7:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 3/22/2009 7:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey brian&chris heres my Q of the W answer: i think faraday is busy finding out how to "fix" the island im guessing next time we c faraday its gonna b the season opener and y hes there perhaps time traveling all over the place maybe even with his young mother....another tidbit i'd like 2 add, this is more feedback but faraday related, i keep hearin everyone thinks faraday comes 2 the island 2 save charlotte but i think he was originally was there 2 save that girl he put in a coma but he subconsciously knew of all the horrible(charlotte) and good(saving the losties) consequences of him going 2 the island thats y he sheds a tear lol

At 3/22/2009 8:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 3/22/2009 8:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

another tidbit lol i jus got finished watching the dharma video form comiccon and realized that when the baby is crying chang says "damn LAFLEUR!!! just take him outside please" IT BLEW MY MIND LOL HOPE U LIKE MY FIND! maybe u guys found this b4 but yea

At 3/23/2009 9:09 AM, Blogger DH said...

Hey guys,

Ben didn't go back in time with the others because young Ben is already there. Either time or the island won't allow it. Which begs the question why is Sun in the same time as Ben? It occurred to me that Chang's baby may not be Miles but may indeed be SUN!!! I'd be interested in hearing thoughts on this theory.

At 3/23/2009 1:45 PM, Blogger MoltenPanther said...

@L0ckesurrectionFTW To me, it actually sounds more like "Damnit Laura".

At 3/26/2009 12:26 PM, Blogger michelle said...

hey guys. so first of all, let me say, good episode. Best ever, Brian? haha. i'm speaking of the one i just watched that aired on march 25. First i want to say that i really thought that the old guy in the woods was going to be bernard. Who better to torture someone than a dentist? i was bummed when that wasn't the case, however. will we ever see he and rose again?
Moving on, just a little theory the boyfriend and i were disscussing after watching about (young) ben becoming part of the others/island. Richard told Ben, back in season 3, that he had to be patient and wait for his time to join them (the others). Perhaps by sayid killing him, this puts him on that path. We know that he is alive in the future, so that leads us to believe that the island heals him, thusly the island is accepting him. we are assuming of course that being "accepted" by the island is what ben needed to be taken in by the others/ lead the others. locke being dead and brought back to life on the island has put him in that leadership role, and christian, although he is a leader in another sense, came back from the dead to be an emmisary to jacob. maybe this is what has to happen to make you worthy of leadership, so this prepared ben for his role.
what do you think? thanks guys.

michelle :o)


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